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Empowering ​SurvivorsRebuilding ​Lives

purple ribbon campaign support

Welcome to the Good Sanctuary ​Organization, a Faith-Based non-profit ​where hope will find refuge. We are ​dedicated to empowering survivors of ​domestic violence through safe shelter, ​advocacy, legal aid and holistic support.

Join us in creating a community where ​healing and renewal begin.


Our non-profit, although not yet active, is ​dedicated to empowering domestic ​violence survivors by providing ​comprehensive support services. These ​services include safe shelter, access to food ​resources, childcare assistance, ​educational support, financial aid, access ​to legal aid and attorney services, as well as ​health and mental health support. Our ​mission is to ensure that survivors have the ​resources and assistance they need to ​rebuild their lives and thrive beyond their ​experiences of domestic violence.​

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What We Will Offer

We will provide comprehensive support such as safe shelter, nutritious food, childcare, educational opportunities for adults and children to empower ​survivors and their children on their journey to healing and independence. We will offer legal assistance such as attorney representation, legal aid ​and advocacy, and case management to navigate legal processes and secure survivor rights. We will provide mental health and health support such ​as trauma-informed counseling and mental health services and assisting individuals with medical insurance, to support survivor’s emotional and ​general well-being and healing. Our services will be available to DV Survivors in Southern California, (Los Angeles County, Orange County, San ​Bernardino County, and San Diego County) and North Central Texas (Dallas County, Tarrant County, Collin County, and Denton County).

cardboard house. nostalgia, homeless and hope concept.



Legal concept. Gavel.



Pancreatic Cancer, world Alzheimer, epilepsy, lupus and domestic violence day Awareness month, Woman holding purple Ribbon for supporting people living. Healthcare and World cancer day concept

Health &

Mental Health ​Support

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At The Good Sanctuary Organization, we are ​committed to offering holistic support to ​survivors of domestic violence. We provide ​safe shelter, ensuring a secure environment ​where survivors can find refuge and begin ​their healing journey. Our services include ​nutritious meals to nourish both body and ​spirit, childcare to alleviate stress and ​promote family stability, and educational ​opportunities that empower survivors with ​knowledge and skills for independent living. ​By addressing these fundamental needs, we ​aim to equip survivors with the resources and ​support they need to rebuild their lives with ​confidence and resilience.

Mother and little daughter play educational games on rug in
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Gavel and scale model with inscription legal services.
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Legal Assistance

At The Good Sanctuary Organization, we prioritize ​legal advocacy as a crucial pillar of our support for ​domestic violence survivors. Through our dedicated ​team, including an attorney and paralegal, we ​provide comprehensive legal assistance tailored to ​the unique needs of survivors in our program. Our ​legal advocates offer personalized support, helping ​survivors understand their rights, navigate legal ​processes such as obtaining protective orders, and ​accessing legal resources. Whether it’s advocacy ​in family court proceedings or assistance with legal ​documentation, we are committed to empowering ​survivors with the knowledge and legal support ​they need to achieve safety, justice, and ​independence. By addressing legal barriers, we ​aim to ensure that survivors have the tools and ​support necessary to reclaim control of their lives ​and move forward with confidence.

Health & Mental Health

Heart Shape Symbol and Stethoscope on Orange Background
Hands holding sad face hiding or behind happy smiley face, bipolar and depression, mental health concept, personality, mood change, therapy healing split concept.

At The Good Sanctuary Organization, we recognize the critical importance of addressing both the physical and emotional ​well-being of domestic violence survivors and their children. Our health and mental health support includes trauma-​informed therapy provided by licensed professionals trained in addressing the unique challenges faced by survivors of ​trauma. Through individual and group therapy sessions, we offer a safe space for survivors to process their experiences, heal ​from emotional wounds, and rebuild their sense of self-worth and resilience.

Additionally, we assist survivors in accessing essential health services by facilitating enrollment in medical insurance ​programs. This support ensures that survivors and their children have access to necessary medical care, including preventive ​services, treatments for injuries sustained from abuse, and ongoing healthcare needs. Our goal is to remove barriers to ​healthcare access and empower survivors to prioritize their physical health and well-being.

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Advocate for

Legislative Change


Raise Awareness on

the Epidemic of

Domestic Violence


Collaborate with policymakers and ​stakeholders to advocate for laws and ​policies that protect domestic violence ​survivors’ emotional well-being and ​healing.

Composition with Gavel, Blood and Money on White Background. Concept of Corrupt Judge

Ensure accountability among Family Law Judges,​ Criminal Law Judges, and District Att​orneys for their responsibility in safegu​arding victims and their children from dome​stic violence.

Paper people in a circle around violet ribbon on white background - Concept of Domestic Violence awareness; Alzheimer's disease, Pancreatic cancer, Epilepsy awareness and Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Raise Awareness by educating the ​community about domestic violence issues, ​prevention strategies, and resources avai​lable for su​rvivors.

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Violet Ribbons and Text DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
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Do you need help now?

Send us a private message ​below and a safe way and time ​to contact you.


DV Education Hub

The Impact of ​Disbelief on Abuse ​Victims: Silencing ​and Discouraging ​Advocacy

Challenges in Seeking ​Justice: Law Enforcement ​and Legal System ​Failures

When we ask why abuse victims didn't ​call the police or delayed reporting to ​the court, we overlook the significant ​challenges and failures within law ​enforcement and the legal system. ​While these institutions are intended to ​protect and serve, the reality is often far ​from ideal for victims of abuse.

(Click here to Continue Reading)

When society fails to believe and ​support victims of abuse, the ​consequences are profound and ​damaging. Not only does it invalidate ​their experiences, but it also silences ​their voices and discourages them from ​speaking up for themselves. This ​disbelief sends a chilling message to ​survivors that their trauma isn't valid or ​worthy of acknowledgment.

(Click here to Continue Reading)

Supporting Abuse Victims: Believe ​Them Without Needing Proof

Justice and law enforcement
Domestic violence victim

It's disheartening how often it takes undeniable evidence, like a ​video, for society to finally believe and support victims of abuse. ​Take, for instance, the case of Cassie and Diddy. Despite her claims ​of abuse, mistreatment and gaslighting, many chose to dismiss or ​downplay her experiences until a video surfaced....

(Click here to Continue Reading)

Let's work together

  • Prevalence: Domestic violence affects millions of people annually in the United States. According to ​the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), nearly 20 people per minute are physically ​abused by an intimate partner in the US, equating to more than 10 million men and women annually.

  • Types of Abuse: Domestic violence includes physical violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, ​financial/ economic abuse, post-separation abuse and controlling behaviors by an intimate partner. ​Each form of abuse is about power and control and can have significant consequences for victims.

  • Impact on Victims: Domestic violence can lead to physical injury, chronic health problems, mental ​health disorders, and even death. It also affects children who witness such violence, leading to long-​term emotional and psychological trauma.

  • Reporting and Help-Seeking: Many cases of domestic violence go unreported due to fear, shame, or ​lack of resources. Organizations like the Good Sanctuary and local shelters provide support and ​resources to victims seeking help.

This Data was the latest data collected as of January 2022



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